Master Risk Management
Risk Management Techniques, Uncategorized

The Face of Fraud: It’s still not pretty but it is evolving đź’€

Fraud isn’t just a distant possibility—it’s a real risk for every organisation. Whether you’re aware of it or not, vulnerabilities exist, and taking proactive measures is essential. The most critical step your organisation can take? Completing a documented Fraud Risk Assessment.

A fraud risk assessment ensures your organisation has robust controls, clear approval processes, and appropriate segregation of duties. This documented approach identifies weaknesses and helps establish safeguards against evolving fraud risks, such as those linked to digital payments or diminished physical cash handling.

Fraud evolves with the times, and your organisation’s defences must adapt. With International Fraud Awareness Week starting on November 17, now is the perfect time to act. Take the first step by downloading our fraud risk scorecard to see how your organisation measures up.

Don’t leave your organisation’s reputation and resources to chance—start your fraud risk assessment today.